Organizational Financial Wellness Survey Welcome to your Organizational Financial Wellness SurveyHow would you descrive your current financial state? Financially unwell / stressed Somewhat financial unwell Neutral Somewhat financially well Financially well / No stress None Choose 3 financial wellness benefits which you suppose would help you the most. Access to financial wellness workshops and training programs Access to low interest loans for medical emergencies Higher health insurance coverage 20-hour work week at half pay Employee discount programs Access to salary advance under pressing circumstances What are your top 2 financial concerns right now? Being laid off work Not having savings for emergency medical expenses Not being able to meet monthly expenses Not being able to understand finances Not having any money left over at the end of the month Which of the following causes you the most stress? My finances My job My work environment My relationships My health None 'I understand my finances - salary, investments,tax-saving etc. rather well'. This statement describes you Completely Very well Somewhat Very little Not at all None 'I have evaluated my health insurance needs well, and have ensured I have enough coverage'This statement describes you: Completely Very well Somewhat Very little Not at all None "I'm aware all the financial benefits which my organization provides me."This statement describes you: Completely Very well Somewhat Very little Not at all None Time's upRelated